Sunday, 19 January 2014

What are the Issues Relating to Regulation, Censorship, Morals and Ethics within Advertising?

When it comes to morals and ethics within advertising, it is about keeping the viewer happy. If you make an advert that angers someone due to their religion,race and sex you are going to have a real big problem. If one is offended and speaks up about it means that there is likely to be many others who feel the same way and will follow suit. Rule 15.10"Advertisements must not denigrate the beliefs of others" . If I was to advise anyone on making adverts, very simply, don't be racist and don't use religion in any form. Chances are it will offend someone. If an advert somehow posses problems that offend people then its likely to be banned and taken off the air. Damaging the company who made the advert and those who commissioned it which gives negative gain instead of the positive they want.

This for example is just...just awful. Also would you believe its Aston Kutcher star of Two and a Half Men. 

False advertising is a massive crutch in the industry, Rule 3.1 "Advertisements must not materially mislead or be likely to do so." It very simply means if you make an advert that in anyway falsifies the way a product works can be sued, if they don't put a disclaimer. For example watching many of the adverts about skin cream you notice the Actors talk about how well it works and makes a difference every time. Because of False Advertising you can read at the bottom of the screen a small disclaimer, often showing results for tests E.G. "65.5% of 1000 women asked agreed." They have to have this here so the people who buy the products couldn't sue the company for saying the product works all the time. When the company themselves have proved it doesn't and have shown it on the advert.

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