Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Doritos Mariachi Critique

What do you see when you look at the Doritos Mariachi? I see celebration, friendship and good music. This is an advert that has excelled in my eyes. Its a perfect representation of a party and brings froward the emotions and joys of a party and shoves them in the audiences face in the hope that they link the brand Doritos to the excitement of the party and the times with friends.

With a concept like the Traditional mariachi band playing in a house party where can you go wrong. Its bringing across Mexican culture in two forms. The music and celebration and the Doritos crisps themselves. 
The makers in this advert know exactly how to throw a party in your subconscious. By making an advert that focuses around the Mexican music and the time you spend at parties the creators are planting in your mind that Doritos=Party as well as Doritos=Friends and Family. These are something that everyone, especially the Mexican culture, hold very closely to themselves. By linking those ideals to the brand people will likely think of the advert when faced with planning a party or meeting up with family members. As a very successful advert they do put they right link into the mind of the viewers.

The Doritos advert had one more trick up their sleeve in this advert.It had a promotion. The promotion was who ever one had the Doritos Mariachi band play at a party set up by Doritos and supplied by Doritos. That in itself is motivation for some people to go out and buy Doritos on the chance of a free party and music. Others will first be taken in by the adverts intent to link Doritos to other things (as mentioned above) and this will be just the icing on the cake for those with the intent to already buy them.

I was very inspired by this advert not only by the quality but also by how they make the world of friendship and Doritos fit together so well. My Doritos bowl advert was designed to show off very similar emotions and make people associate the Doritos brand again with parties and friends. Those two points are what can make a product sell faster then most. Pringles did it numerous time in their Made To Share campaign and this was the Doritos response to it. I for one enjoy the feeling o the advert and can easily say its a 9/10 in my eyes.


What makes a great advert? To me its wanting to be there. Wanting to be in that situation. That is what the advert Invitation does really well in my eyes. Its essentially representing how people react to the games on the new XBOX ONE. Its how I reacted and I believe it is a very good representation. Though obviously completely fabricated its visuals are impressive and make the video enjoyable.

Most commonly used in advertising is the tactic of association. Its the easiest because of it wide range of uses. In this Invitation advert they not only associate the song with the brand but also the emotions "Associating a product or company with a famous person, catchy jingle, desirable state of being or powerful emotion creates a strong psychological connection in the customer"

. Looking at the advert you will notice how the man reacts to the Titan (Massive Robot Above) with a smile. The advert is attempting to plant in your mind the association that the Titan means something to smile about. The aim of this advert is obviously to entice people to play and buy the game on show. By linking the game with an emotion if they see the game around the possibly might remember that it makes you smile and possibly purchase the game. All about the possibilities.

One thing that I notice fairly prominently is that the people that are being "Invited" range from middle age Business Man to an American College student, a young Women on the train platform and a Teenager watching the Football. Basically they are trying to advertise to as many people as possible within a certain bracket. They have to be careful age wise as to not show the product as a children's toy but also not too old to show its for pensioners. They choose a fairly wide age group from about 16-35 that does encompass both men and women. This was crucial to show that its a great product for anyone with free time, be it student or a businesses.

I for one love this advert.It makes everyone seem equal and the unique combination of awesome CGI, music and acting make the advert a great success in my eyes. Possibly it needed to show off some more footage of the actual product but its serves its purpose as it is very well. 7.5/10

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Advertising Critique # 1 Cadburys Gorilla

I have to say this is one of my favorite adverts of my childhood. The simplicity and wackiness of the advert have had it firmly glued in my mind for many years. It really does the perfect job of linking the idea of fun and crazy that still draws me to this day to Cadburys chocolate. Yes the advert makes no sense, yes it has nothing to do with chocolate and yes that is not a real gorilla but it conveys a real sense of wonder that has captivated me and many others like me. Even if it doesn't out rightly show the chocolate bar you know that is what its advertising and every time you think of that advert you will think of Cadburys. I know I do and that's what makes me think its successful.

The Cadburys Gorilla is the perfect example of Association. "Associating a product or company with a famous person, catchy jingle, desirable state of being." This advert perfectly links Gorillas and Phil Collins In The Air Tonight. Imagine if you will being at an event or social gathering and hearing the song, as mentioned, played. Instantly your mind will connect the song to Gorilla, then to Cadburys and then onto the chocolate. Most people then desire the chocolate that is now linked into their mind. Perfect way to make someone crave and buy chocolate is to do it without them knowing. The subconscious of a human being is what makes this advert so effective. 

Another effective thing this advert did over the course of its duration on TV was its ability to "Jump on the bandwagon" to put it simply. When the 2007 Rugby World Cup came on it jumped on the hype of the matchs by placing itself at the end and beginning of each break. Thus again Associating Cadburys and rugby together. People who wanted to the watch the Rugby were reminded of chocolate every break and this leads to people buying chocolate and eating it while they are watching. I know that because it happened to me that year.

When it comes to be being an effective advert I have to say its one of the best. As mentioned before i am a little biased as its personally my favorite and has done its job over the years. Compared to other adverts I feel the association works better then many. I still find joy in watching this advert now and I will do into the future.

What are the Issues Relating to Regulation, Censorship, Morals and Ethics within Advertising?

When it comes to morals and ethics within advertising, it is about keeping the viewer happy. If you make an advert that angers someone due to their religion,race and sex you are going to have a real big problem. If one is offended and speaks up about it means that there is likely to be many others who feel the same way and will follow suit. Rule 15.10"Advertisements must not denigrate the beliefs of others" . If I was to advise anyone on making adverts, very simply, don't be racist and don't use religion in any form. Chances are it will offend someone. If an advert somehow posses problems that offend people then its likely to be banned and taken off the air. Damaging the company who made the advert and those who commissioned it which gives negative gain instead of the positive they want.

This for example is just...just awful. Also would you believe its Aston Kutcher star of Two and a Half Men. 

False advertising is a massive crutch in the industry, Rule 3.1 "Advertisements must not materially mislead or be likely to do so." It very simply means if you make an advert that in anyway falsifies the way a product works can be sued, if they don't put a disclaimer. For example watching many of the adverts about skin cream you notice the Actors talk about how well it works and makes a difference every time. Because of False Advertising you can read at the bottom of the screen a small disclaimer, often showing results for tests E.G. "65.5% of 1000 women asked agreed." They have to have this here so the people who buy the products couldn't sue the company for saying the product works all the time. When the company themselves have proved it doesn't and have shown it on the advert.

How Do Adverts Get Their Message Across?

 Talk about the techniques and strategies used to promote something.

Adverts themselves are a form of delicious candy for the mind. Figuratively meaning. They are designed and promoted to make us to go out and buy the product that is on show. That is the ultimate goal anyway. Though some adverts are not like this, for example the Cadburys Gorilla advert. I will discuss those later in the post. First on the list it the normal adverts you would see on the Tv.

The type of advert most commonly seen normally shows off the product in a situation that is quite common in an attempt to link the product to that specific situation. My favorite example for this is the Doritos Mariachi advert series (as seen above). This is an example of an advert that does its job superbly and works really well an can influence a lot of people. The reason for this is it associates the Doritos franchise with parties and celebration, which are massive buyers of Doritos. By showing off the Doritos this way the mind of the view will link Doritos to the idea of celebration, parties and mariachi bands. Not only does the advert make you want to eat Doritos when you can, it plants the Party=Doritos link subconsciously so the next time you throw a party Doritos will be one of the easiest things to remember.

This advert is a Viral advert. Viral adverts are really simple videos that spread,like the aforementioned Gorilla (viral video of 2007), that are used to get the brand name in the masses really quickly and efficiently. The Gorilla advert was one of the very successful ones that did really well. The beauty of adverts like this one are that they don't have to be liked to do well. Many people who watched this advert disliked it due to it having no reference to the actual chocolate that it was meant to be advertising. You know what that person who didn't like it did? He told his friend about it. Same goes for those who did. That's how it spread so quickly. Guess what carries along from that? Cadburys. They are now in every ones mind for the creation of the Gorilla playing drums. Its an incredible effective style of advert and has become more used in the recent years. Like the Moon Walking Horse of Three mobile.

Friday, 17 January 2014

James Bond Faithfully Recreated.

As the title states, we were tasked to recreate a scene from James Bond Casino Royale as closely as possible. In definition we had to make the recreate them as closely as possible including lip syncing, props, movement and camera shot lengths. The task was in overall fairly difficult but not impossible. This did startle me at first because working in a group of people which I haven't worked with before makes it harder to communicate ideas and thoughts.

The first task of the project was to do research into Casino Royale in general in 5 aspects Technology, Gender, Fashion, Ethnicity and How the scene was shot. I decided that I would suit the technology section well so I decided to choose that topic. I spent the rest of the morning working on that which left me free to work on the rest of the project for the rest of the day.

The next step after doing the research was to work out the timings for all the shots. I did end up getting quite stressed as ,was pointed out, I was making it more difficult then it needed to be. I just wanted the production to go well but being outnumbered means I did have to do it simpler an quicker. 

The filming of the scene itself was probably the easiest part. Having the scene on Youtube and watching it before each take really helps us to mimic it. The filming was easily done and the rest of the monday morning was spent editing the film as closely as possible to the real scene. The editing was done by Shawn who did a great job of syncing the scene.

James Bond and Technology

Click on the image to read the summary of James Bond and Technology that I did for the presentation.