Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Links to My Videos.

Space Is The Place
In this montage of footage taken around Plymouth we tried to Document some of Plymouth's nicest parts and display them as best as we could. But this being the South West we had to compete with some very frequent rain showers and in general some grey and moody weather that didn't help in the video one bit. But In general the footage fits nicely together as a unit and does show Plymouth off in a nice but gloomy light.

Graham and His Hat
This was the work that we were set to do individually about a picture that we were given. This I believe was to show us how easy it is to create a story from nothing more then a picture and claim it as real. The task itself was incredibly simple, Take a picture, create a story, record that story as the person in the picture and then overlay that on a video.

Scratch Videos
The concept behind this video task was to create a video out of found footage from websites and mash them into out own video explaining either a topic or showing something happening. When it came to choosing a topic I decided I would do a comparison of Rugby to Football based on how players react to the impacts of tackles. While I can say I favored the rugby side when looking back the video it does show very clearly the differences of the players between Football and Rugby in a montage video that's funny and cringe-worthy.

Wet Wok News
The task set for this video was to choose a certain topic that we would deem somewhat news worthy and then go and film a news story about it following a specific guideline of shots to make it seem as close to a real news report as possible.

Make Something Dull Cool
The Take Something Everyday and Make it Interesting Project was a particularly hard task. The object that I had chosen seemed to have no real world value, no special reason of being made and in general had nothing about it other. Making it so hard to actually make something factual so I opted to create a mockumentary for it because it had not interesting history to it.

Its All About The Presentation
When set this task we were told to create a fake interview and then edit it to get rid of the "waffling" and show only the good parts while including some Noddy shots to break down the footage. We created two different videos, one with everything left in and another with it cut down to the best parts without umms and ahhhs.

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