Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Final Documentary Items and Review

In this sequence I have shown in the drawings the beginning of each shot. This does include the video I put in as at the end of the shot its shrunk down leads to the opening of the next shot.

Location Release Forms


Filming this documentary was a fairly easy process as it required very little movement, equipment and technological experience. We had a very simple day of filming that lead to a relatively easy time during the editing phase. The only problem I had during the filming was just getting the lines right but that was easily over come by taking a few takes to get it right and then picking the best take of those.

As far as editing it was easy to create fairly good looking with what we had. Making the clips flow was very simple as we only had a few basic shots to put in order and a few other clips to show as examples.

The clips of The Walking Dead I used where a good choice as they are my favorite and are described as the very best examples of great Story Telling. "From the very beginning, The Walking Dead sinks its teeth in and never lets you go. It's a journey in the truest sense of the word, replete with tragedy, heartache, tension, fear, and even brief moments of catharsis. Calling The Walking Dead a work of entertainment almost seems like a misnomer, considering the heavy tone and general lack of sentimentality in the writing."( 26th March 2014)

When it came to Filming this documentary it felt great. For once I got to finally got to talk about something that is very connected to who I am. Being able to make a documentary about something that you know first hand has such a great feeling. Its like unloading a heavy weight from your back. I did also very much enjoy having total control over the editing of the project. But Looking back at the project I feel like its not as good as I made it out to be in my head. I am in general feeling like the documentary could have been done better.

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