Saturday, 15 March 2014

Research and Ifluences

Factual Documentary's are just the general type that has influenced the style of the Documentary  but as for its topic I was influenced by a YouTube documentary called “XP: The Life of a Video Game Addict” that focused on someone who had become addicted to gaming. Our style will be fairly similar to this documentary and will mix found footage with a talker who will try to explain attachment to characters between clips. 

When looking online for information on the emotional attachment to game characters I came across a research paper that goes very into how and why some people end up growing attached to characters in games. ( They conclude that a few of the reasons are linked to "Four distinct components: Identification/friendship, suspension of disbelief, control and responsibility." so I asked on my questionnaire for people to write their reasons for caring for some characters. For the next question I asked if a their reasons matched the few I listed.

 For the question "Have you ever felt emotionally.."  Below I have chosen an example of a good answer. 

Below linked is the percentages for the question "What Emotions Do You Feel When A Character You Care For Dies"

Here are the statistics for the 14 answers we received on the question "Do any of these match your description of why you are attached to them?"

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