Have you handed in
all your qualifications? If not, what is
I have handed in all of my results. i am in talks with my secondary school in getting my actual result for maths as it is currently at a C but before Christmas I took the last exam to increase my grade and I got a higher grade. I just don't have a formal slip with it on.
What were you doing
before this course started, and why did you choose Plymouth College of Art?
I was at Callington Community College studying Drama,Photography and ICT. while studying these I performed the plays Hairspray and an adaptation of the Tinderbox. The later of the plays was performed at the royal hall for Cornwall in front of an audience of 1000 customers including other schools and the public.
Have you given us your Emergency contact details? YES
4. Have you received feedback from your Preparation for Learning tests? YES
5. Do you have any long-term goals regarding what you might want to do after
this course finishes, or regarding a career?
I have two career idea's. Firstly from Here at Plymouth I am aiming to go to St Mary's Twickenham and Study Film Management. From There I will decide whether I either go into being a film director or choosing to be a Cameraman for BBC sports. These are my two choices but if any opportunity to work on sets as a cameraman turn up i will jump at the chance.
6. What do you need to achieve whilst on this course to progress your goals?
I want to achieve a Distinction or Distinction* as I want to be the best I can so that I can have my choice of career paths.
7. Do you think you might need any support to achieve this? I only see some moral support and some guidance on how to get the best grade possible.
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