Monday, 30 September 2013

Reflecting on your first assignment.

List the most important things you have learnt?   
How can this help you in future projects?

1.Team work is the foundation of every successful piece.
By making sure that everyone is busy and working together closely. 

2.Planning is the glue and the drive behind the pieces.
By working out where,what and when  we are going to be working helps keep us working at maximum efficiency and this makes good pieces the best they can be.

3.Effort is key and having people who put in effort makes a good team.
I say this with caution as I don’t wish to offend anyone. But what I say is true to me. If you have a group of people who are enthusiastic and want to work to make the best they can will generally work well together. But I know there are some people who do not like to try too hard and it drags a good group down.

1) With the overall assignment, identify what it is you are most pleased with and why?
I am not going to lie. I am not particularly pleased with any of the work I have done so far. This stems probably from the way I always envision something much greater then I can create. But even then when I try to drive something towards being the best as possible it gets diluted by others input and ends up not looking like I initially envisioned, but that’s to be expected in group work without a set director which leads to an equal input. 

2) What do you think you could do better if you had the chance to turn back time? Make my voice louder and push to be in a more directorial position. I know its harsh but I hate letting people add to an original idea without asking the original ideas creator first. All I really want is to do well and I feel that In the future I will have to be more forceful in my ideas and fall to peer pressure less times to keep ideas from diluting.

3) Look back at the work you have undertaken in this first assignment and think of three different occasions where you have hit a problem, and discuss how you overcame that problem.  
1. Working in an equal group with no leader- Basically solving this problem at this point was to just go with the majority vote until I take a Decisive role and have the final say.
2.  Loss of group communication in the vertical pixilation work- When this happened our production slower by a large amount. This was overcome by basically gaining everyone’s attention and making sure they are communicating with each other and doing the work
3. Bringing together everyone and planning the piece for the vertical pixilation was a problem- Mainly what happened was we had half a group with a lot of interest and input, then half with some or no interest at all. These people spent most of the time talking only to each other and when specifically asked to help they acted like it was a chore. Really we can’t overcome this but we basically just managed to work through them and give them things to do.

4) Look back at your blog.  What do you think of it?  How does it tell the story of your first weeks of learning? Looking back at my blog I think it paints my first few weeks quite well. I think it looks great and the work is to a good standard. But it is up to you guys to decide that properly when you grade it.

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