For the first time viewing Metronomy- The Bay by David Wilson its easy to distinguish that its a music video as the actions that involve the camera are often synced with the music and transitions of the video.The very first shot that is show is of the water rushing under the camera as it tracks and then pans upwards in time to the song breaking out to full melody as the town of Torquay is brought into full view. The next shot is of the main singer of the band walking towards the camera singing, all the while the camera is tracking backwards, that gives the effect of prolonging the look and class of the video. When the video then brings a column up from the center of the video and a shot of the singers shoes as he walks along. While i cant say i understand why David has included the shot, i can only speculate that its linked to the lyrics "Its sensible, Its sensible" as the particular variety of shoes are a common sensible brand. One of the best transitions, to me,happens at 0:55 seconds in when a four piece column is cut from the black covering most of the scene video and then cuts the black to reveal the normal video and the band members with their respective instruments.This effect gives the video a very professional look and keeps the viewers interested as in that split second its become an enigma about what is behind it.
An interesting addition to the videos are the use of some very glamorous models for some glamour style shots that do add a very interesting feel and look to the video. The way the glamour shots are included into the overall video give the video a very stylish and glamour feel that is often found in a variety of expensive and popular videos. Filming these shots in Cornwall must have been a hassle due to our frequently cloudy weather, this is to the credit of David as they are on a set schedule and the weather cant be controlled.
Over all when I watch the video its clear that a lot of it is inspired by "Im Still Standing" the song by Elton John. The transitioning effects in some cases are near on identical to "Im Still Standing"' but its a very good use of the transitioning and it makes the video look spectacular. I give this whole video a 8/10 for quality of shots and use of transitioning skills. The tracking and panning landscape shots were magnificently done and looked absolutely stunning.
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