Thursday, 20 February 2014


The documentary I have chosen to review is the Micro Doc by Liam Woodridge, Joe Callaghan-Lynch and Joshua McDonnagh. The title of the micro doc is "The Chessboard" and features a glass chess set at that is the main focus of the documentary from a visual point but the focus of the documentary is the history of the board-game itself. 

The Video starts off with a few different shots that showcase the Glass Chessboard set up in the center of a table. It then transitions into the title screen and revealing the name and the creators of the video. After the title the chessboard is again revealed and over the course of the next few minutes a chess game is played out in a stop motion animation style after each turn. As the game progresses the narrating, done by Joe, explains the history and origins of the game itself. Its a great explanation and really gives a good depth of information about chess and is interesting enough that you don't feel bored.

Looking at the video itself the lighting is a little harsh and does make some of the pieces hard to see but that's the only qualm but overall the lighting effects give the pieces some very outlined shadows and does make some pieces look impressive.

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