Wednesday, 12 February 2014

My Intentions

I intend to make this a Mockumentary and make it a more entertaining video then a factual one. The object I chose has a particularly boring and even mundane because it is nothing special. It was a limited offer object but mass produced in the hundreds of thousands a few years ago. I intend to make a few jokes about how it is more of a toy then a piece to keep for value.

I am going to have a voice over as well as someone holding and using the object to back up my points. One of my jokes I want to use is "how fast can it go? well how fast can you move your arm?". This is a very cheesy joke but totally worth it.

Finding out any particular information on the Truck has been fruitless and has turned up very little information. Because of the lack of information we decided that the mockumentary idea would do a little better then spouting gibberish for 2 minutes straight in a documentary so Mockumentory lets use speak nonsense for comedy.

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