Single camera technique is very simply a focus on filming a scene in multiple takes. This is what sets a lot of Tv and film apart.
Films are in general always single camera techniques purely because they have the time and the money to spend time redoing each shot and working on each take. Because of the way its done for films it means the scenes are often filled with a lot more in depth acting then those on TV reality shows or soaps. My favorite examples for single cameras are Films and TV shows like Zombieland, Teachers and Doctor Who which all use single camera technique to emphasize Comedy and Drama and Horror, in Zombielands case. When Filming with single camera movies and shows it basically in an action sequance to exactly the same thing again so different angles ca be filmed. Like in the shot below, from Zombieland, the characters spot the zombie and Jessie Eisenberg (Coloumbus) starts to run from the zombie with out sliding under Woody Harrelsons (Tallahasse) bat, so they cut to a new shot and film Jessie Eisenberg Sliding under. Its basicly continuing each scene after each cut again and again.
When it comes to other TV shows it is only reality shows, soaps and competition shows like X Factor who use multi-camera as they have to produce an episode on a tight schedule like on a weekly basis. In my opinion this makes the acting seem less convincing and wooden. Many dramas on TV use single camera as it makes the acting look much more real as the actors have the chance to work for the camera and the emotion. Another place where multi-camera is used is in TV comedies like Friends and Big Bang Theory.
Overall the difference is about the actors quality and emotion really. As well as the way each scene is set up with the cameras. Without a doubt both types fill the role they are intended to fill really well.
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