Tuesday, 1 October 2013

In order of release to the public eye.

1.The Way Things Go- 1987

2.Honda Cog- 2003

3.Ok Go-This Too Shall Pass- 2010

It is fairly clear when watching the 3 videos in age order that they are inspired by the previous. Its a fairly simple concept of chain reactions that lead to ever increasing contraptions. We cannot say that its plagiarism due to the fact they are not identical but a variation. They Mimic it but don't copy them. Its similar but not the same is what I am getting at in the last four sentences (sorry for that).

When it comes down to it i personally i think This Too Shall Pass was my favorite. I say that as its the most exciting out of the 3 too me. The combination of different things is what makes it my favorite. It always finds the way to be more interesting then the others, my choice to represent this one is having the TV sliding on the wire and then being hit by a sledgehammer. While i am not sure why it happens it keeps me intrigued and shocked me at first as the hammer is not visible before it falls. The way it ends is also a reason i enjoy it, the ending adds some slapstick comedy as the paint is fired at the four people who appeared throughout the piece. What sets this apart from The Way Things Go is speed. This Too Shall Pass is nice and snappy with each of the reactions and that draws me in.

When It comes to The Way Things Go. Its my least liked in all of the 3. It just doesn't draw me in like the others do. It just seems like a pointless thing with no real end. The main problem is that they made the reactions take 3 times as long as any in This Too Shall Pass. Its just too long to hold any form of interest for the length of the video. If it was as fast as the others it wouldn't have been too bad its just for the length. they always say "quality not quantity". if everything was as detailed as it is just shorter it would have been awesome to me. I say all this but i can see that a lot of effort went into the video and the quality of the movements because while long they are very precisely worked out and work very well.

Now to the Honda Cog Advert.This is what i would say is a good standard of these videos. I say this because its clear that its been really well thought out to include all the pieces that the car is built from. Including bolts,wheels and speakers. This appeals to me because i have a fascination with little details and noticing each of the pieces as the go along in the video is cool to me. Seeing the window wipers being used to rotate and hit the bucket is the sorta thing that grabs my attention. Using things abnormally to make a sequence grabs my attention.

Overall my opinion is that they all work well but some need to be a bit faster to keep attention. Other then that they are really cool and precisely executed.

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