Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Self Review of My More Soon Tribute

Well my first shot was of me listening to music through headphones while nodding in the beat. My second shot is of me smiling really awkwardly and looking around the room then focusing on the camera. The emotion in the first clip I was conveying was joy at listening to music, which i normally feel when listening to music, and for my second clip I was conveying apprehension as i made it look like i didn't want to be there.

When it came to the editing of the video I really wanted it to sync mostly to the music so every solid beat it would change shot. This actually worked and on some of the clips the actions of the actors synced with some of the changes in the music. Over all to me this was an exercise to get better at editing but the stuff i was doing isn't new to me so its was just good practice.

To select the clips I used it  had to have a form of humor that you can see easily by watching them. When it came to some videos they just didn't cut it and seemed way to boring for the video. If i was going to put them in it would have had to been for about 2 seconds so not to bore the audience. Overall I think the ones I chose where the right ones too choose add they actually made it interesting and because of my choice I didn't use all of the clips because I fear it would have been too dull if I did.

Positioning some of the clips is definitely something that I considered and did. My most obvious one is the use of Liam at the beginning as his entrance onto the frame is both comical and a good way to start the video. Other example include using video of Axel on the bass when the solo is being played on the music and when the Skate board wheels are being turned to the sound of the beat.

By leah for the review below

Having watched someone else’s edit, what are over overall opinions of it? Both positive and/or
I really enjoyed Will's edit. The way he timed it to the music made individual parts pop out of the video. Especially at the end when the music has died down to a basic beat, he placed a video of himself listening to music, which gave the effect of it all being inside his head, i have no idea if this was intentional but it is great part.
If i had to give one negative, i would say a couple of the clips lasted too long, compared to others and made the video tense, but that could be his desired effect.

Highlight a ‘best bit’ that you think was edited particularly well. (Either it was in the right

place, or worked well with the music, or simply has ‘impact’.) Explain why you chose this.
... at the very beginning the beat is building up and it hits its highest intro point when Liam appears moving from the bottom for the screen upwards, this creates a good start too the video, conveying disapproval at the beginning allows the audience to laugh more at funny parts as they are introduced with a stern clip, which makes people get ready for a darkbeat video.

Is there anything you would do differently, if you had edited it? Can you explain your reasons for
I honestly don't think so. maybe including more funny clips, but that is only because the comedy factor of this project is too damn high. 

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